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I Had a Wake-up Call that Brought me Back to Reality

I’m on the path to recovery despite a setback to my self-esteem. I recently realized I have not been faithful to myself regarding my beliefs and relationship with Jesus Christ. Although I have been proclaiming His name, I must admit that my commitment to my kingdom’s purpose was not genuine. I now understand that my purpose in life was assigned to me by God, and I have been neglecting this responsibility. Unfortunately, I had to face a harsh reality check. Although Jesus was present during the incident, I must take responsibility for my actions and acknowledge that I was in control, not Him. This humbling experience has taught me that I need to prioritize my faith and my role in serving God.

Since my recovery, I have taken measures to get back on track. First, I have accepted my mistakes, taken full responsibility, and repented for my actions. Second, I am changing my life to understand the severity of my actions and ensure I stick to them. Last, I am committed to the path that God has set for me and trust that His plans are not to harm me but to give me hope for the future (Jer 29:11). I need hope in my life, and I am grateful for the Lord’s guidance, protection, and correction. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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