Christian · God · inspiration · jesus · prayer · spiritual

I Had a Wake-up Call that Brought me Back to Reality

I’m on the path to recovery despite a setback to my self-esteem. I recently realized I have not been faithful to myself regarding my beliefs and relationship with Jesus Christ. Although I have been proclaiming His name, I must admit that my commitment to my kingdom’s purpose was not genuine. I now understand that my purpose in life was assigned to me by God, and I have been neglecting this responsibility. Unfortunately, I had to face a harsh reality check. Although Jesus was present during the incident, I must take responsibility for my actions and acknowledge that I was in control, not Him. This humbling experience has taught me that I need to prioritize my faith and my role in serving God.

Since my recovery, I have taken measures to get back on track. First, I have accepted my mistakes, taken full responsibility, and repented for my actions. Second, I am changing my life to understand the severity of my actions and ensure I stick to them. Last, I am committed to the path that God has set for me and trust that His plans are not to harm me but to give me hope for the future (Jer 29:11). I need hope in my life, and I am grateful for the Lord’s guidance, protection, and correction. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God · inspiration · jesus · prayer · Proverbs · spiritual

Procrastination Impedes Your Destination

Hi, my name is Michelle Ann Patterson, and I am a procrastinator. Lately, my procrastination has been so bad that I almost missed the blessing God had put in front of me. I am treading water in my new position as I am unsure of this new path. When I was in corporate America and started a new job at a new company, I knew what was expected of me. But when your boss is Jesus, it’s not so easy. Yes, working with Him is excellent because of the perks of his protection, direction, inspection, and correction. However, I have dealt with this spirit of procrastination only because it is disguised as F.E.A.R. False evidence appearing real.

Some things need to get done. But instead of doing them, I will find ways to organize my desk when there is nothing on it; look at the weather for the 12th time in an hour, shuffle paper from left to right and back to the left; you get the picture. However, I have found that the longer I delay in doing what I am supposed to do, the longer I hinder the path where God is leading. I want to do what I want, not what God has for me. Trust me, it is not dull what God wants me to do; it is just not what I want to do. Notice the “I.” God tells us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him (Matt 16:24-26). This is a demand, not a question.

God has a plan for my life. He has given me the tools to reach where He is taking me. All I have to do is trust Him. So, my coming out in 2023 is just denying myself of leaning on my own understanding and knowing that He will direct my path (Prov 3:5-6).

Christian · inspiration · jesus · pounds · prayer · spiritual

Decluttering the Clutter

Ever been overwhelmed by your thoughts? I’m probably talking about myself. I’m a messy mix of organization. I can tell you where it is if I can locate it. If that wasn’t disorganized, I’m not sure what is. As part of coming out in 2023, my sisters and I have done some spiritual cleansing.

I’m getting rid of all the junk I’ve hoarded for years. You keep these things just in case, even though you don’t need them. I can attest it has been a liberating journey. Not only must one surrender the past and what should be, but one also discards all that holds no value. People say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. I really believe that. Why not let someone else have it if I will not use it or ever use it again? I can look back on it and say I enjoyed it. Letting it go is alright since I don’t need it anymore.

That could mean people, too. Sometimes, we may hold on to something for too long when the person, purpose, or situation is not meant to be part of our future journey with God. A difficult decision, but one that brings freedom. Letting it all go has been like shedding fifty pounds.

It was an overwhelming feeling of joy! So, take a deep breath and dive in. Clear the clutter in your life and make way for what truly matters. Begin decluttering and tell me how peaceful and stress-free your space feels afterward.

Christian · education · God · inspiration · monkey · prayer · Uncategorized · Values · winning

Getting the Monkey off my Back, the finale

I have previously published parts 1 and 2 here and here, respectively, of this saga. Well, this saga ended on December 31, 2022. In my previous posts, I blamed Andy, the monkey, for being on my back and weighing me down. Disturbingly, it wasn’t Andy; it was me!

I have been liberated from my former self in the past three months and feel fantastic. I am thankful that I could confront, accept, and replace it. The “it” is me getting out of my own way. Trying to cling to the past and being unable to let it go. I was avoiding taking responsibility for “it,” so I projected my feelings onto “it” and gave “it” a name.

I no longer have trouble letting go of my past now that I am stepping into my purpose. That whatsoever God has called me to do, I will do. One of my closest friends informed me several weeks ago that this road has always been mine; all I had to do was let go and let God. This makes me think of “Your Name Brings Healing to Me,” a song by the Planetshakers that I used to sing at Christ Church in New Jersey. I am not bound by me, Andy, or anything or anyone else; I am completely liberated. “So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed,” says John 8:36. Every day, I wake up and thank God for my freedom.

Career · Christian · education · employment · God · inspiration · jesus · publishing · unemployment

Cutting the Umbilical Cord of Corporate America Employment

Letting go of the corporate America employment umbilical cord I’ve been used to being tethered to for over 20 years is a part of my coming out in 2023. Three times in the past fifteen years, I have been laid off. The last one was COVID-19, and I have not regained my footing in this workspace. At one point, LinkedIn made me anxious because I would see laid-off individuals successfully rehired. Occasionally, these individuals might get better-paying positions than their former ones.

Naturally, I assumed something was wrong with me and that I needed to be examined by a specialist. Because it made no sense for me to not find work given my diversified background. Everyone around me was perplexed, so I automatically buried my head in a hole like an ostrich. But then I had an epiphany: you know when God whispers to your heart and tells you that your true purpose and destiny is to do something completely different? Then a soft, still voice said I had an assignment outside of corporate America.

To make a long story short, this road has been filled with trials, and I even attempted to transition back into the corporate world after earning my Master’s in Christian Studies. I love book publishing and felt a position in this field would be ideal. Nonetheless, no such luck. The doors were slammed shut in less time than it takes to say “shazam.”

This blog is titled “Cutting the Umbilical Cord of Corporate America Employment” to help readers comprehend my “need” to feel complete. I felt inadequate since I no longer worked in this setting. I struggled to fathom the concept of being able to live independently of corporate validation. Primarily because I assumed my identity was intertwined with my employer. Also, I believed working in corporate America was essential to my ability to breathe, eat, and live. The umbilical cord, you know, is crucial for the baby in the mother’s womb since it is how the baby gets fed. However, the cord must be clamped within seconds once the baby is born. Click here for additional information on disconnecting the umbilical cord.

If cutting the cord is necessary for a baby’s survival, then I can do so as an adult. I recognized many years ago that God was my source and that everything else was a resource. It took me several years to fully comprehend this phrase. In 2023, I can take a breath each day and be grateful for where I am because God is my strength and shield. I removed the rearview mirror this year and stopped looking back. I am unsure what is next for me, but I know I am reaching toward my future and God’s upward call for me (Phil 3:13-14).

Christian · God · inspiration · jesus · prayer

I’m Coming Out in 2023!

Yes, I’m coming out under the influence of Christ! Oh, you thought it was something else? Perhaps the song by Diana Ross? Here is the link if you feel nostalgic and want to listen.

I’m writing about how, in 2023, I will no longer be ashamed to be a Christian. This means that I will no longer pursue career prospects that are not in line with God’s intention for my life. I shall seek God’s face and submit my life to His authority to guide, direct, correct, and inspect. In addition, I will launch a new podcast with my sisters called “Under the Influence of Christ™,” in which we will explore subjects affecting women of faith daily.

I’m thrilled that I can now be my most genuine self without feeling compelled to be someone else. I am a Christian who strives to live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. No, I am not perfect because I fail daily (Rom 3:23), but I would rather live under the influence of Christ than anywhere else.

Christian · God · inspiration · jesus · prayer · winning

The Audacity to Pray

I did it! I fervently prayed for direction. Some petitions are answered swiftly by simply praying to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, while others are answered slowly, at least in my experience. God has already answered my prayer. The response simply did not sit well with me. It pushed me outside of my comfort zone and transformed me into a new person through the process of discarding my old self. God’s plan required that I let go and surrender so that I could become the person He intended me to be. The reconfiguration was, indeed, horribly unpleasant and alienating. But I found out who my true friends were, as they didn’t judge me during this process. Yes, I’ve lost “friends” along the way, but my “true” friends remain with me while I travel this new path.

It is fine. I am OK. The light at the end of the tunnel was always visible, yet it was occasionally covered or gray. Nonetheless, I am still here because I made it! I was resolute, and I knew that as long as I remained devoted to God and trusted that He was arranging things for my good, I would be fine. I am fiercely and wonderfully made because I dared to pray.


Life For Me Ain’t Been No Crystal Stair

In honor of Black History month, I wanted to share a poem by Langston Hughes, one of my favorite poets.

This poem reminds me, no matter what is going on, never give up. Keep moving forward.

Mother to Son
By Langston Hughes

Well, son, I’ll tell you:
Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
It’s had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor—
But all the time
I’se been a-climbin’ on,
And reachin’ landin’s,
And turnin’ corners,
And sometimes goin’ in the dark
Where there ain’t been no light.
So boy, don’t you turn back.
Don’t you set down on the steps
’Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.
Don’t you fall now—
For I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

Langston Hughes, “Mother to Son” from The Collected Works of Langston Hughes. Copyright © 2002 by Langston Hughes.